Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Do you want to have the unique chance to promote your institute, magazine, gallery, museum or cultural happening in our shop during Manifesta 8?
You can now buy one of the 10 special 'Promotion Shares' for only 150 euros! In exchange for your investment, we will distribute your promotional material for free to our audience. How often can you reach such an international art crowd for so little money?

Buy now, because they are running out quick!
For more information on how to buy a share, look under Shares


To prepare the TEMPORARY ART SOUVENIR SHOP we went on a fieldtrip in April 2010, as part of our DAI programme.
Not only did we get some insight into the preparations that were happening on site from the Manifesta 8 team, we also got to speak (with whatever mutual Spanish or English words we found) to local artists, shopowners, street vendors, beggars, people working in the tourist industry, social workers, immigrants, students, and many more inhabitants of the cities where Manifesta 8 will take place.

How would this idea we had for a mobile shop work in practice? The streets and squares, the neighbourhoods and the Manifesta 8 venues all communicate different messages that cannot be taken into account from a distance.

This trip was the moment when things started to get a shape. We met some amazing people that told us all about the hidden histories, the economy, the local media, political structures and natural resources. Each of us found their interest in a different topic, working on it in a different way, but under the umbrella of the same experimental and adventurous structure of a mobile, critical souvenirshop.