For the realization of our TEMPORARY ART SOUVENIR SHOP we ask you to become an interested shareholder in our art and business and buy an exclusive share of 100 euro (or a half share for 50 euro) to support our project. You will receive a specially designed share certificate and regular updates about the progress of the project.
For art related Insitutions, Magazines, Spaces etc. we developed a special 'Promotion Share' for 150 euro. In exchage for this investment we spread free promotion material for the investor among our audience in the shop, on our blog and on facebook. Only 10 Promotion Shares are for sale, so be quick, because not all ten are left..!
For institutions that have invested until now, look under INVESTORS
For art related Insitutions, Magazines, Spaces etc. we developed a special 'Promotion Share' for 150 euro. In exchage for this investment we spread free promotion material for the investor among our audience in the shop, on our blog and on facebook. Only 10 Promotion Shares are for sale, so be quick, because not all ten are left..!
For institutions that have invested until now, look under INVESTORS
address. For further information you can consult this website, or email
For authentification of the project you are welcome to contact the head of the DAI Gabrielle Schleijpen or DAI project manager Florian Göttke.
Account name: St Artez – Arnhem
Account number:
Reference: ‘DAI Temporary Art Souvenirs’
IBAN: NL47ABNA0445078200
Thanks and hope to see you at Manifesta 8!