TEMPORARY ART SOUVENIRS is the result a collaborative project of Manifesta Foundation and the Dutch Art Institute and is devised, organized, and run by the artists:
ANNA HOETJES www.annahoetjes.com
EVA OLTHOF www.evaolthof.nl
JEROEN MARTTIN www.jeroenmarttin.com
JIMINI HIGNETT howtogoon.com
JULIO PASTOR www.juliopastor.com
LADO DARKHVELIDZE www.vladimer.net
LAUREN ALEXANDER www.laurenalexander.org
The participation of these students was made possible by:
A generous contribution from the Dutch Art Institute
Patricia Sousa is supported for this project by: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal
For more information contact:info@temporaryartsouvenirs.org